It’s being asked already for a while and I would like to give a personal opinion answer on it. Like you see sometimes in the movies: “This film is not reflecting an official point of view of the X government. Its strictly personal opinion”.
So, first, whets the question? Here it is: “With all this seduction-related knowledge spread through the internet, books, seminars, workshops, etc – the knowledge which is sacred gotten by a few by blood sweat and tears – get into everyone’s hands and so all the efforts are for nothing. ‘cause everyone will be able to pickup models after knowing how – to stuff.
So all the efforts to learn are also in vain because everyone knows it and does it. Even worse: chicks know it too. So they can easily spot the one who tries to use the knowledge. Endless crash&burn as a result. Is all this stuff not dangerous and threatening to those who want to learn the game?”
Here is my answer: I am not worried about it even for a split sec.
Why? Because: think about it. Think really hard.
First: how many people are able to admit to themselves that they actually SUCK in this area of life?
Very-very few.
The vast majority is reading or watching this stuff whenever it comes up on TV or internet article or a seminar with their ego full blown and alert:
"Me? NOOOOOOOO! I am a fucking pimp. Well, I don’t have a girlfriend or I have that bitchy little drama queen as a girlfriend but its only because I am busy with other IMPORTANT things in my life right now.
I am such a pimp that when I REALLY will have time and when I want it – I will just come out and get supermodel for myself in no time..."
To confront ego you need to have a very strong motivation. How many people you know that have a super strong motivation? Particularly in something that society at large is frowning upon?
Second: social programming kicks in.
It says that you only have a cool girlfriend when you are successful in your job/study/career.
When you are a good sheep.
Then nice girl will appear in your life as a bonus.
Inevitably as a salary rise.
One beautiful evening… oh, yeah, and don’t forget to wear that new Gucci cologne and those D&G sunglasses.
Otherwise she might not recognize you.
And keep drinking Heineken beer ‘because all those chicks from their TV ad choose guys who do…
Here I have to disappoint you. No fucking thing will happen.
None. Whatsoever.
The society programming road ends at your computer monitor watching internet porn.
And many people are going to live very unsatisfied lives just because they believe in what the Matrix has to say.
And were too comfortable to go find truth for them. Go read my article "The Matrix. Open Your Eyes" to find out more about the power of society programming.
Anyway, I am not writing this to cheer them up.
I am writing this to tell us (REAL PLAYERS) that there is NO DANGER in that knowledge spread. None. Whatsoever.
Sо, my small tribe, lets look little further: out of hundred people who started on this journey – how many will get their ass away from the monitor and get on he street?
Let’s be optimistic and say 75%.
How many will really approach?
How many from those who approach will survive the pain of hard rejections which are inevitable? Not one or two but HUNDREDS of rejections.
Rejection by a supermodel does not hurt that bad when you look and behave like a computer nerd and you know she is out of your league but how about ugly and fat war pigs (Mystery term).
Ladies, please, here no offense is meant. I know perfectly well that it’s all about heart and personality.
No pain intended. They will all discover it.
Let them first go for those shiny vain bitches. Then they will learn the lesson and probably come back to you. No worries. Just visit a fitness club once in a while.J
So, lets go on: now after all those rejections – how many of those left are ready to take a hard look at themselves and to realize that ITS THEM WHO CAUSED THE REJECDTIONS.
Girls had for the biggest part nothing to do with that. This realization is a BIGGY. And how many of those who WILL realize it – will actually go and change those things in themselves?
You see where I am going with this?
What a tiny little microscopic percent of those who had an access to the Knowledge is left by now?
What did the others do with that knowledge? The same what they did with the most of knowledge that comes their way – they entertained themselves with it for a few days/ months and then throw it away.
Along with the first edition of playstation and their cassette player.
Now, about chicks reading into all those pickup tactics and knowing that you are a player – I am totally cool with that too.
You cant use in a 1000th time an opinion opener of who lies more or some other stuff you got from the net. Someone created this opener and it played its role and now its time to make up your own. It’s all crunches anyway.
Go improvise.
Or go sit home in your little cozy comfort zone and blame the rest of the world for using the same opener.
It’s all about your coolness and your general vibe anyway. That will bring you chicks. Nothing else. Plus well developed social skills. That’s it. The whole package.
Those who developed this stuff you are using now or reading about – paid for it with their time, humiliation, tears, hundreds of nights in clubs and streets.
They got together a valuable recourse which can save some time and effort. But not that much that you can call it a magic pill.
There are plenty of descriptions of how to drive a Formula 1 car on the internet.
Can you drive one well after reading it? Do you know anyone who can?
Or does it require tons of experience, courage and will power – to learn to drive such a beast? By now you know the answer.
My own experience indicated even higher percentage.
It’s never crowded on an extra mile. Many will start running marathon – very few will ever cross the finish line.
So if you are still there and I mean going out and implementing stuff you learned – then you belong to a selected club.
A club of a few. Welcome.
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