At the moment you realize that the Matrix loaded your brain with tons of crap - just to make you socially useful and obedient sheep - you are very willing to clean it up.
You feel hurt because the whole system was lying to you and kept you blind. First you want revenge. Later you realize that there is no-one to blame but yourself and you want to become Your Own Master.
You go look for instruments that can help you do that.
Here is a concept that can assist you GREATLY in becoming one.
It will bring your understanding of reality, people in it and your own Self on a new level.
Sounds good, doesn’t it? And it really delivers the promised goods.
It’s known as the NLP Logical Levels (also known as the Logical Levels of Change and the Logical Levels of Thinking).
The word NLP (Neuro linguistic Programming) might call for different reactions among the readers. I am not going to protect or to attack it here. I just say that understanding Levels is a very powerful weapon so let’s adopt it without having much emotion towards its origin.
Are there any to whom it does not sound so simple? “..Neuro? Ohhhh…All those complicated words…”
Well, the choice is as usually all yours.
You can either read this article carefully and apply it or you can consider it “Just toooo-tooo diffucuuuult” and keep living your life like you used to.
One thing to remember though: anyone but you will be then in charge of your Mind.
And as we know by now the key to the Gate of Your Personal Victory is in this question: who is in charge of your mind?
We all were brought up by a whole culture or even few cultures that filled our head with extremely useful information.
Sometimes useful. Sometimes not that useful. Sometimes totally useless.
Like a dogshit on a sidewalk.
Let me dare to guess that there are tons of dogshit filling an average head of an average person.
Unless he is an enlightened individual and was brought up in
For those who did not grow up among monks and mediations – well, MTV took good care of things. Don’t leave the house. Quick and easy. Here. Magic Pill. Buy. Spend. All for 19.95$. Special offer. This week only…
Anyway, back to the subject.
Understanding Logical Levels is very useful for assisting with a process of Change from an individual, social or organization point of view.
To make it simple and clear lets take a look at this familiar example:
One day guy wakes up and says to himself “My personal life is not good at all. I am going to change it. I am going to have a beautiful girlfriend ASAP.”
So, what’s the first thing he does? He goes to a bar or a club on Friday night.
He enters the bar and looks around. Lost of things are going on.
This is the very first level. Its called Environment.
Everything that surrounds us is our Environment.
That’s what we are reacting to. It can be our work environment, club environment, and home environment…whatever.
Somewhere deep inside this guy is hoping that if he only will show up at the right bar at the right time then somehow that beautiful girl will find him and even start a conversation with him.
Well, he realizes pretty soon that it just DOES NOT HAPPEN.
So after a few drinks he gets enough courage and attempts to start a chat with an attractive girl.
This is the second level. The level of Action.
He is in the environment called “the club” and he undertakes Action called “the approach”.
For the sake of this example lets say that he was not too successful and he goes home alone that night.
After a couple of weeks of going out our guy (and he is a smart guy) starts to notice that there are some guys in a club that are having quite some success with approaching girls.
By now he realized that there is something in his behavior that girls seem to dislike somehow.
So, the next logical level, the third one is Behavior.
He sees some of the guys making out with girls and some even take girls home. Every time he sees it and its mostly the same guys. He discovers so called “naturals”.
Well, he thinks, probably their Behavior is what gets them girls.
He makes friends with a couple of them and asks a few questions. One says “just be yourself”. That does not bring our hero very far since he is “being himself” his whole life and its exactly “being himself” that brought him into this whole situation.
Another “natural” gives him a better advice:“You have to be funny, you have to be relaxed, and you have to learn to become charming.”
It’s a good begin so our guy discovers that in order to have a nice girlfriend he has to learn some skills.
This forth level is called the level of Capabilities.
He learns some funny stories, goes to improvisation workshop and pretty soon he can carry out some pretty long conversations that make girls laugh and even give him some phone numbers.
Well right here he starts to see the positive results of his previous actions and his beliefs about what he can do start to change.
Beliefs are the next, the fifth logical level.
His success gets bigger and bigger.
It starts to be a kind of upward spiral where his successes from the past just feed his confidence. He makes other friends, he goes out to cooler places, and he wears different cloths.
After a few years of living this life he finds a picture of himself. There he is just before he started his journey. Nerdy glasses, polo shirt with his company logo on it, pleasing smile.
He can not recognize himself.
Was it really him?
He can not even identify himself with that person on the picture.
He remembers some old thoughts and ideas about himself that he held at that time and they all are SOOO weird and distant.
They do not belong to him anymore. They belong to that old identity.
So, Identity is the next, the sixths logical level.
Our guy is a totally different person now.
Did you ever think of what it REALLY means when someone says that he or she is totally other person now?
It means that their identity, the way they view themselves has changed.
There is only one level left above Identity.
The sevenths and the highest logical level is called Spirituality.
If our hero chooses to adopt a Buddhist point of view on the world and follow it that would happen on this level.
Not many people ever go there.
Spirituality requires an answer on the most important question of existence: What am I part of?
What is leading me spiritually? What’s my vision of this universe and of the whole existence?
You see, its tough stuff. For big and strong boys and girls.
The rest of people just take whatever society and parents fed them.
That’s how the whole logical level pyramid looks like:
You probably understand by now that each higher level determines completely what happens on all the levels below.
Pay attention to the fact that changes on the lower levels require less effort to make than changes on higher levels. But the results are also less impacting.
If our example guy would go to an NLP master or hypnotherapist like Neil Struss (aka Style) did in his famous book “The Game” then he would get new strong identity installed.
Style went to Steve P who is one of the best in this field.
Steve P learned his trade from many different sources including Indian shamans and so he might have even connected Style with his Higher Self and Universal sources of energy and that in turn would dramatically change Style’s results infield and in life in general.
Because changes on the level of Spirituality and Identity are the most powerful ones and automatically bring incredible changes in Beliefs.
Beliefs in turn increase Capabilities which in turn inspire great Actions. And this is in fact exactly what happened to Style.
He got two months of hypnotherapy and NLP with two best masters and walked away as a really empowered person.
His Identity had changed completely.
Go read The Game for details.
So how to use all the above? Simple.
Internalize the structure.
Realize that everything you do or any problem you have can be seen from the Logical Levels point of view.
Determine where it belongs to.
Is it on Capabilities level? Is it your beliefs that keep you away from achieving your goal?
Notice that Ego is a construction protecting your Identity. So whenever Ego is involved you can be sure that the real issue lies with the way you are seeing yourself.
Remember that your Identity is fluid and in constant development.
Remember the expression “I could never recognize myself from that time” expression.
You can change. There is no “Oh, that’s just the way I am” thing.
Not if you REALLY want to change.
You can create yourself as a sculptor creates a work of art.
And pay a visit to Spirituality level from time to time. Experiment with different belief systems.
Try to find one that will resonate the most with your heart.
Discard what society or any other sources told you if you do not feel any REAL emotional heart connection with it.
Remember that ideally you should have an alignment on all levels.
It means you walk your talk.
If you want to have 3 girlfriends at the same time (environment) and to be happy and fulfilled and honest with yourself then make sure that you are practicing religion or spiritual belief that allows you to do that.
But better first let your heart to find a spiritual belief or religion and then align your life with it.
This approach from top to button works sooooo much better….
Good luck on your journey.
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