This is going to be a fun ride. Let’s go.
First there was this movie called The Matrix. Sci-fi, cool, beautiful actors, all very solid.
Too solid.
Too solid to be just another good science fiction movie.
It rang true. It rang TOO TRUE. And when your internal compass turns to something and call for your attention then you better go and listen.
In the movie it is an elaborate system designed to fool humans, to restrain their potential, to limit their beliefs, to make them a tiny helpless part of a huge machine.
And all that without vast majority having any idea of what’s going on. A person is getting born into it and does not know any better.
“An interactive virtual environment involving systematic global deception" so to speak.
Well, if you have not seen it yet – just get it and watch. It’s really worth your time.
Learning the Game, going out and experiencing tons of social interactions you will learn to see the Matrix.
You might even start despising it and think you are better than those who live under its powers. But after a while you hopefully will understand that the Matrix is there for quite a few purposes.
There are two sides to it as they are to all things.
Let’s look first at the BRIGHT SIDE.
The whole structure of modern society at large can be called the Matrix. There are many noble and useful functions that it performs.
First thing that comes to mind is our Safety. Police and military are an integral part of the Matrix and we simply can not exist without them.
It’s so funny to see people who love to say “F!ck the police, yeah, kick their f!cking cop asses” – to run to the phone and be hysterically dialing 911 when the first unpleasant situation arises. We all agree that some organized kind of existence is necessary and it is VITAL for our civilization to have it and to mountain status quo.
But then there is another side to it. The DARK SIDE of the Matrix exists too.
It basically consists of the idea that in order TO BE WORTH SOMETHING in life, in order TO BE SUCCESSFUL AS A HUMAN BEING, in order to have A BEAUTIFUL/GOOD WOMAN or in order to be loved at all you are expected to have certain SOCIAL STATUS.
Big and small corporations are spending huge amount of money and intellectual power to convince people that it really is so and to stimulate consumption.
Welcome to modern consumer society.
Like Jeffy from Real Social Dynamics puts it:
"People react predictably to society’s rewards and punishments. This is a necessity in our civilization. We have a complex division of labor, not everyone can be the Man. So don’t approach, don’t be alpha. But if you let these things to dictate your life – what do you become? A consumer!”
The Magic Pill mentality prevails. This system uses all its power to make people feel FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and UNHAPPINESS and then SELL them Magic Pill that promises to relieve their fears. This is what the whole advertising machine is all about.
Personal note: Somehow I stayed immune to all that. Something in my brain prevented me from connecting those images of beautiful women to the goods they sold. I remember when I was a kid and it was still communism in Russia (that really sucked btw!) I used to cut out those beauties from some foreign magazines and cover my walls with them.
Those magazines where actually forbidden and only KGB and communist elite had them in abundance at their luxurious homes.
How did I get to them? Their houses had huge waste bins downstairs…
Back to the now: the Matrix is at work in all aspects of modern society. You can easily find it in Laws, Norms, Beliefs and Values that are held by the authority.
The reward? The good sheep lifestyle, get married to the woman you “deserve” according to your status.
The underlying message is: there will be lots of PAIN if you DO NOT buy and a promise of some instant pleasure if you DO.
For the sake of this blog I want to concentrate on male-female dynamics and how the Matrix influences it.
Men and women are told separate stories about what they should do, how they should dress and where they have to go in order to have success with an opposite sex.
An image the Matrix presents to everyone is that it brings men and women closer together while actually it creates A HUGE GAP between man and woman. A gap where frustration is generated and all kinds of magic pills are being sold.
Take Amsterdam at fall 2007 as an example. People go out after work or on Saturdays. Music everywhere is VERY loud. It prevents any normal conversation. People who came here to meet each other and are influenced by music are getting frustrated.
Alcoholic drinks are being sold to them in order to make them more loose and to overcome this frustration. Man drink to overcome socially programmed fear of approaching and talking to women and women drink to get their state up, get drunk and have an excuse after: "I was drunk, so I went with that guy. That does not count... I am not a slut..."
I was dj-ing at the best venues of Amsterdam and all owners knew that secret: the harder the music the bigger income of the bar.
It became so ridiculously hard that the city Health Service (GGD) insisted on putting decibel meters in some venues so the volume will be just on the edge of causing irreversible damage to human ear... (to be continiued)
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