We are improving our personality, developing our character and basically re-engineering ourselves.
Others were not really “mine”.
May be the next will be…
Hey, it’s all already there. Go apply.
Come back when you have a mouthful of field experience.
Then dig some more info. Talk to guys who KNOW THE GAME.
And dive back into action.
There is NO SECRET to success.
Its just work. Being relentless.
So after doing all those efforts, attending seminars and using techniques you start discovering the value of what’s called “the inner game”.
Sooner or later you begin making changes not only in what you think is possible for you but also you initiate the process of reviewing WHO you actually are.
You climb high and start looking at the top of the mountain: Your Identity. The sacred, the one and only. You tweak this, you replace that and it feels better.
More work – feels good again.
Time passes you make more and more internal changes. You start realizing that this is an ongoing process and there are some good and fruitful consequences to it.
And then if and when you are prepared to be brutally honest with yourself an interesting revelation will come to you and knock on the front door.
Simple one. Dare to open it?
Ok, it sounds like this: “I am doing all that identity change work, I learn to be unreactive, I become more social, I improve my confidence, I read all that great advice and I know I am a 10, I am HIGHER VALUE guy…With all that heavy artillery combined I enter the field and I fire all that ammo… With one thought in fact: now I have changed, I KNOW I am higher value, I know I am a 10, I know I should not react at all… I am SUCH COOL GUY. … so I really hope that…I WILL GET HER APPROVAL NOW!”
Stop for a second and think about it.Think REAL DEEP AND REAL HARD.
Is it not this thought that keeps you reading and learning?
Yeah… So girls will start TO REACT TO YOU POSITIVELY as a result.
This is the last (or one of the last) EGO bastion on your way to real deep and irreversible positive personal change.
Another trap here obviously is that you might truly start believing that YOU ARE THE SHIT and they are all stupid bitches that just can’t see it.
Your Game still might not even exist. But You are going to be very proud… and very bitter then.
Say hello to your EGO again here.
It can trap you on both sides. Be aware.
Is that an unavoidable part of the path? I would say: Yes, it is.
Realize WHY you are doing what you doing. You see, all that stuff you internalize and bring out to the world might still miss that little last tweak.
And it mostly does.
Whom are you doing it for?
There is no shame in admitting that initially you were doing all that inner change work just to please THEM, to get THEIR attention and approval. It’s totally cool and ok.
Next piece will fall into its place when you will realize that actually all that change you are doing is FOR YOU and for you ONLY.
You become a better man FOR YOURSELF. Not for anyone else.
Your change is deeply personal.
You most probably will lose most of your social circle on the way and it’s totally ok too.
Some say it’s a pity. Look at it this way: your REAL friends will still love you and respect your choices. Like you respect theirs.
If you think about it longer you will realize that 90% of your social circle changes every 10-15 years ANYWAY. Think how it looked like even 5 years ago.
It’s pretty much different now, isn’t it?
It’s just an indication of your growth and development, nothing else.
If you go back to primary school and tell a child that his social circle might be totally different in 10 years he will be pretty surprised. As an adult you understand that it’s very logical and healthy process.
Again, you become a better man for you and not for anybody else.
You become unreactive just for yourself, you become more social and you start to ONLY GIVE VALUE just for yourself too.
You sincerely disconnect from what others think of it and how they react to you.
And at the same time you KEEP WORKING on your GAME. Keep learning and applying it and re-accessing what you do.
Here it comes: Desire without Attachment.
You KNOW that you are 10; you don’t care of what others think of you. You know – you are a worthy human being.
How do you know that?
Because your conscience, your mind and soul all tell you that in unison. You have what Johnny Soporno calls a Reasoned Confidence.
It’s when all parts of you tell you as one: “You are totally right doing what you do. It’s good for you and its good for others. Go do it now.” Simple. Like all genuius.
You see what starts to happen? Your determination to become better in the Game is still there, you admit to yourself that even if you are a perfect and totally cool person – there is still some work to be done in that area of your life.
Since you have no doubts any more about WHO you are - you know for sure that you are doing the right thing and world only benefits from your progress and from your actions.
Your progress will become much faster and easier. And not only in the area of male-female interactions.
It will charge forward in all areas of your life. Because you already know the outcome.
You have changed from the person who changes himself only in order to get something from others into the person who positively changes his identity and gives value to the world.
You add to the world’s happiness AND you keep learning the Game on the way.
Release yourself.